Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"A Conscious Path" Triceps/Shoulders

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Yes! Praise God for all He is and all he has planned for us. Praise God for  "I am, that I am."  Yes he has plans for us, and yes we are are responsible to do our part. He is faithful and unchangeable; and we are changeable. 

In reflection of my past choices pertaining to my health, I am thankful for my past trials. It is in life trials that we build character and strength; learning to persevere despite pain. Taking away our free-will to choose and our trials would deprive us from growing. 

Through my faith, my conscious choices, and my actions I now have my optimal health. Our minds and bodies are constant companions; and I choose to align my lifestyle to nurture and strengthen both. I am establishing my balance. 

Each of us have our own individual paths to achieve a lifestyle of balance. In my past, I have practiced many sports and a variety of exercises to establish my strength. Currently, I choose to return to the basics for strengthening my body. I am returning to isolation weight lifting and resistance training. I will continue my other valuable tools for balance such as, my yoga and nutrition. 

Today, I had a fabulous workout for my triceps (back of my upper arms) and my deltoids (shoulders). To begin my workout, I chose to do 15 min on a elliptical machine as my dynamic (moving) stretching. Then, I accomplished my training with a variety of movements and machines. Below you will find some of my completed examples...Enjoy!

Triceps: Kickbacks with dumb-bells, Rope Pull-down with rope pulley, Supine Barbell French Curl, and Bench Dips with body weight.

Deltoids: Standing Lateral Raises with dumb-bells, Sitting Shoulder Press with dumb-bells, Standing Frontal Raise Rotations with dumb-bells, and Barbell Shrug.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Breath of Heaven & Downward Dog"

Breathe and Receive Balance

Open your heart and breathe in life. The very breath we take, is in essence God present with us.  And every choice we make, we can choose happiness (with His Love), or we can choose harm (against oneself or others). Within each choice of happiness we can choose a little piece of Heaven...
 Surrender, make a conscious choice, open heart, choose Love, and allow God's light to fill you.

All of us live our journey seeking Truth. Within truth is balance. Seeking and choosing balance requires coordination of input from multiple sensory systems. It requires mind, spirit, and body. Our mind claims wisdom, our spirit desires faith, and our body is empowered through strength and nutrition.

In the past I was limiting in my truth and balance. I had narrowed my fitness performance to mainly endurance running. When the practice of yoga first arrived in my life I was displeased with the idea of such a drastic change in my fitness performance. It turns out that presumption was totally miscalculated! Yoga has now become a key component in my life practice of "balance." 

Above, I share with you a yoga pose called "Downward Dog." The pose is a place of relaxation and balance. It requires you to be strongly grounded and lifted simultaneously. Similar to our required relationship with God. A foundation with God will bring forth life and growth; and all else is sinking sand.

May you seek and embrace BALANCE! Breathe in Life, Love, and Happiness. Peace be with YOU!