This is Your Moment!
So, it has been quite a journey since my last post... there has been many moments when I have desired to post again. There has been kind of a tug-a-war mentally with my desires and time management. Honestly, there has been many changes and adjustments in life that I have and will continue to overcome.
This is my moment, my present moment when I choose to fulfill my desire. You see, when it comes to fitness, faith, and food every moment is a best moment to make a major improvement in your life.
I've been reading these great books: FOOD, FITNESS, and FAITH for women by: WOW, how selfless!!! I cannot even find an author. The other book I'm reading is CONSCIOUS LANGUAGE The Logos of Now by: Robert Tennyson Stevens. Through these readings I am inspired and refreshed with the redirection I receive. I am hopeful with so many possible upgrades that are available. According to Stevens, we are to speak only what we choose to have come into manifestation, moment to moment.
So, I leave you to meditate on the desires of your heart. Right now is a great moment. No need to put it off any God's counsel and get busy.
To Be Continued...