Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Faith Is Like A Muscle: It Must be Exercised!"

To have faith in a higher power, God, yourself, or others... you must WORK at it! Faith is like a muscle. It must be stretched repeatedly, challenged, and developed over time. And when not practiced, atrophy will occur. Never too late to start over; muscle has memory and your past work will resurface for growth.
Faith may be considered both objectively and subjectively. 

Faith: to believe in, and have an actual vision of the "unseen." 

Faith from the subjective standpoint derives from our inner self, feelings, and/ or desires. It  is to believe in a truth beyond the human intellect; relying beyond one's own human light of reasoning. Faith can be seen as an act of our intellect assenting to a truth that is beyond it's grasp(Catholic Encyclopedia). In this example, we can reflect on our relationship with our God and "Higher Power." We can believe, trust, and act accordingly, knowing that the truth and love from our God will always provide...with PURPOSE. When you BELIEVE, you will RECEIVE and ACHIEVE! One may say that I am a bit of a Mystic, and I agree. I also know that everyone has the opportunity to receive from God...whether it be from a sign, person, a word, a reading, and/or nature. "Seek and you shall find."

Faith from the objective standpoint originates from external objects and can be referred to an objective body of revelation, tradition, and teaching (Catholic Stand). This objective faith can be passed down to us through our Church, Environment, Family Culture, and/or peers. With this in mind, we can reflect on our OWN faith and perhaps the faith we may have in others...We can reflect on our past actions and experiences and have clarity on our results. If we choose to not practice and ACT through our faith, the result will present itself through weakness, confusion, and doubt. If we choose to neglect our health and not strengthen our muscles, yes they will atrophy. 

There may be times when we are believing and acting through our Faith of perseverance that we become anxious for the truth...for results. Do not be discouraged! Instead, be gentle and kind. Be kind to YOURSELF! "Faith is the place I AM, and the bridge to where God is taking me." So, whether it be your subjective faith/spirituality or your actions towards creating your healthy lifestyle...the truth remains. You must WORK at it to STRENGTHEN it! And, "your greatest weakness shall become your greatest strength" (Conscious Language).

Fitness Assessments And Objective Faith
A great way to practice our Faith in creating our Healthy Lifestyles, is to use a Fitness Assessment to mark our progress! Depending on whether you are training with a specialist, at a gym, or by yourself...there are a variety of markers that can be used to assess progress. One easy example that I have used with my clients is the following:

 1 Minute Push Up Test, 1 Minute Sit Up Test, and a Plank Hold Burn Out.

You can set a timer and count how many you can accomplish within the minute time frame. Next, you can set a stopwatch for the time frame you can hold a standard high plank. Be sure to write your results down! Then, I would suggest to reassess a month later. It can be very encouraging and strengthen your Faith!!! A lot of my clients numbers increased by 10-20 numbers, and I bet You Can too!


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