Trust God, Trust Yourself, Get Results
"Fear is a powerful de-motivator. It limits us. It entangles us." (Habits die Hard) How many times do you find yourself hearing the voice of FEAR??? Fear leads to the "what if's" and into failure mode. How many times do you hear a voice of affirmation and LOVE??? I choose to not believe in coincidence, and choose to believe in God's love, his will, presence, and guidance. In the book of Revelations, His Word says to not be afraid of what you have seen, what is happening, and what is to come. His voice spoke, "I am ALIVE!"
Yes, HE is and so are WE alive! You can find many signs and wonders in The Bible. And through the Grace of God, a transformation can take place brought by His mysteriousness that emerges throughout Scriptures. You can find many signs and wonders in His creations all around us, living and non-living. Symbolism is everywhere, and our universe contains an enormous amount of opportunities for us to receive His Truth and His Wisdom! All around us lies not just a discovery, but an awakening.
"Blessed are those whom have not seen and still believe." (John 20:19-31) Yes, God is a mystery and will remain a mystery here on earth. To have faith, is to believe in the mystery of God, the unseen. What we know and can know is only through Divine Revelation. This is a trust, that to which is necessary along our Spiritual path that is long and difficult. And, who can we look to as a good example? Yes, Christ as God-Man...and even more tangible, the saints. For they are a living and practical proof that Christ's philosophy works. They show us that it is possible for a human person to be fully transformed. The saints are a great treasure of wisdom acquired through their faults, failings, and flaws. (Matthew Kelly) Like us all!
Thus being said...seeking to create such transformation within and without ourselves, we require work: spirit, mind, and body. How many of you desire to make healthier choices with your nutrition? How many of you desire a transformation for your body? For many, our solutions are a mystery. We require tools, experts, good role-models, and examples to begin such change. This is very much the same as our Faith. The transformation that we may desire for ourselves remains a mystery of the unseen until...we take action!
We can create a goal for our bodies through sport and/or other physical activity. The next step for the "unseen" would be to seek wisdom from a role-model, coach, trainer, etc. Same is true with our faith. As we desire transformation for our minds and spirit, we can seek direction through Scripture, the saints, and other great spiritual leaders...
Are you ready to take ACTION??? You can combine all desired transformation: mind, spirit, and body through your practice in your chosen physical activity. Before you act, reflect and offer your work up in prayer always...
Below is an example of an exercise I recently incorporated into my physical activities...
It is the "3 Low Jack Wide Burpee" The Burpee is an ultimate full body exercise. Adding three low jacks into the plyometric exercise, provides a great modification for more intensity, strengthening and cardiovascular health. (Please note: is less is necessary, there is always a modification for that as well. For this, you CAN walk through each movement step.) Check it out and try it! Are you READY? Set Go!
Before lowering down to the ground,
Wide squat low, and move your legs into the jack motion 3X's, staying low.
Then, follow the above steps.
~Be Safe! Have fun!
~peace be with your Spirit!