Stop for a moment and ask yourself, " Is my life in balance?" How do you define your life balance??? According to Wikipedia, which most easily access, Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure,family and spiritual).
Well, prioritizing can be a bit daunting at times...all though I know it is KEY!!! Just as all LIFE change and growth is a too, creating your Balance is a PROCESS! Part of each process, one requires practice, which creates Habit! " Whether we experience a positive force in our lives or obstacles to our desired goals, habits become ingrained through repeated actions."
And so I choose, to continue moving through all my obstacles and triumphs, trials and errors, learning from my experiences and actions. I have moved beyond my life symptoms with Chronic Disease, and I know I constantly require self-adjustments. Through my learned necessity to be flexible yet diligent, I know that without self-reflection CHANGE and GROWTH will not occur. Without clarity and proper prioritization, my health once ruled me and had me bed-ridden. "I will NOT ring the bell!!!"
If and when I may experience a flare-up, an obstacle with my prioritizing, or waver in creating my BALANCE..."I will NOT ring the bell!" I will not quit. "What does not quitting look like to you? What does NOT ringing the bell require from you?" For me, as displayed in my pictures above, I require Faith, Physical Strengthening (staying active), Yoga, Healthy Food Choices, and my Passion.
I am currently creating more changes in my life, and I have wavered in my Balance. After self-reflection, I have my clarity to take action in participating in yoga again, and consistently. So, with that being has been a while since I have shared with you all. Please forgive me. As I continue moving forward, adjustments will be made, and one thing is for sure...feed your PASSION! It is my passion to continue to impact as many lives possible and facilitating others in creating their optimal health.
No matter what life my bring, I will NOT ring the bell, and I will continue to share!!!
For more inspiration please check out my following resources:
Facebook- Celina Nicole Acosta, Pinterest- Celina Acosta, Twitter-@fitnessnspirit, & Instagram-cgcelina