So here I am in the midst of my summer break; my first time off in several years. Before it even arrived, my mind was busy with ideas of work I could offer with my time off. Well, apparently the good Lord had something else in store!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I am grateful for this time to rejuvenate, relax, and self-reflect..."What does my life masterpiece look like? Am I being the best version of myself?" One thing is for sure...without my own personal health, I cannot work on my masterpiece. I cannot share my craft or give to others as my heart desires, if I am not being the best version of myself first!
"What is your life masterpiece? What does your life look like when you are at your healthiest, strongest, and best? What does your family, work, and relationships look like? What matters most? What drives you each day?" (Jon Gordon)
These powerful questions and many more will be resourceful for your self discovery and progress forward... I have a developed a good habit of seeking and life learning; however, I have horrible habit of not always completing my studies. My attention span and excitement tend to get scattered and I struggle at times with focusing on one thing at a time. This summer I am reading a few books at once, and have continuing education for both my teaching position, and as a trainer.
So, lets return to my topic of reflection and purpose. "Whom or what do you invest most your time in?
What craft do you have to share? Whom do you choose to surround yourself with? In what areas of your life do you desire change and transformation?"
Let us question and meditate daily... "What will it take today for me to be my best version: physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually?" (Matthew Kelly)
God calls us to empty ourselves so that He can fill us up. His will of us being the best version of ourselves does not come easy. However, the more we empty and open up to His guidance...the more we will receive.
Whatever obstacles and challenges you may be facing... pause, reflect, seek clarity, and act! My ongoing life challenge, separate from my bodily disease, is my nutrition. I am currently studying Nutrition Periodization. Our filed of nutrition is constantly changing as our diet fads our exhausting.
Your nutrition intake should support the body's energy needs associated with the different exercise volume and intensity variables throughout your year to elicit positive physiological responses (Bob Seebohar). So, I approach this new train of thought with action exploring my changes to share. I encourage you to explore..."Does your food intake support your life variables?"
Here is a diagram for body weight exercises to get you going... enjoy!