How Do You Desire to Transform???
In times of stress and when you know you require calming down...just breathe. Within the world we live, we live in a state of flux. We live in constant change. Do you desire that change to transform your behavior into a new that will empower you? Or, do you react out of fear and cravings to which are not being met and wind up falling back?
The quality of our life is determined partly by our inner peace, and our ability to love and accept love. When our mind and heart are directed in one direction, it gives our actions great direction; known as intention. It is when our conscious mind and conscious heart align to a single purpose, that our subconscious begins to support our vision. Our subconscious begins to filter how we perceive our world.
There is nothing that happens in our mind that does not happen to our body; for they are one. The vehicle we travel in, our body, must be kept in order to travel. When our vehicle is not in order, the travel becomes difficult, then painful, and then it appears impossible. (Max Strom)
To keep our vehicle in order and with change always occurring, one must reflect on their stressors and life experiences to grow. According to Psychology Today, stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our mental or physical equilibrium. As a health enthusiast and a daily overcomer, I am constantly seeking clarity through my life experiences. I have been fortunate to have a passion within for an active lifestyle. Even in my lowest points of living with chronic pain my heart longed to be active. However, my relationship with food and how I choose to cope with my life stressors have not been my areas of strength. I am growing.
What is your relationship with food? "The way we do food is the way we do life. Slowing down with meals, then is symbolic of relaxing into our body, our career, our fears and desires, and anything that life presents." (Marc David) Wow! That is so true! Stop reacting to your stress and turning to food, now! According to the American Psychological Association, "one in four Americans turn to food to help alleviate stress or deal with problems." When we are a stressed eater, we are creating our digestive shutdown. When we are a relaxed eater, we our activating our digestive system full force.
So, are you a person seeking weight loss whom believes you are doing everything right, but have hit a plateau and feel stuck? "To experience change, you must create change." This is true for ourselves as a whole: spiritually, mentally, and physically. "How we envision our actions, how we verbalize our desires, unconsciously has a massive impact on the quality of our responses." (Max Strom) Evaluate your state of being. Do you live in a state of flight or fight? Do you react to your daily stressors or do you reflect and take time to respond? What is your relationship between food and stress?
Marc David, the founder for the Psychology of Eating reports enlightening facts for The Biochemical Burdens of Stress.
- Nutrient Deficiencies and Absorption- decreased oxygenation and gastrointestinal flow.
- Thyroid Hormone- decreased metabolic activity.
- Healthy intestinal bacteria destroyed.
- Mitochondria- energy powerhouses of the cells are diminished and can lead to chronic fatigue.
- An increase in Cortisol associated with weight gain, inability to lose weight, or build muscle.
- Erratic function of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter causing gastric reflux; heartburn.
- Insulin Resistance- factor in diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, and aging.
Slow down and be mindful. Be mindful in your food choices, in your planning, and in your preparation. What are you thinking about in the process and what are you feeling? While you are eating, breathe; enjoy the flavors; and be in-tune with your feelings in the moment.
"When our mind quiets and the heart opens, change happens, and then Grace happens. As we transform, the whole world around us appears to change; even bloom." (Max Strom)
What is your relationship with stress around you and to you??? Imagine this: Stress is for you, not against you. Look beyond the stress; look at the root of the stress. Do not bypass your experience for something temporary. Seek within. Seek self-awareness strategies and your true authentic Self! There is no "one-size fits all." Stop taking the easy way out, and claim your responsibility. You can find new meaning everyday, with every stressor. I am not saying it is easy, and I am saying it is doable. "Let Go and Let God."
Stress is essential for our growth. Do not resist the change; embrace it and see what you can learn to propel you forward. "It is within our present, that we change our future!"