I am grateful for my many life Victories!!! We all have memories. We have memories we enjoy and memories we like to keep in our past...and not recall. Are you being held captive of your own negative memories, not able to forgive and let go yet? I know how hard it can be to forgive, thinking that once you forgive it's like saying it's ok. Forgiveness frees you. Forgiveness does not equal forgetting what happened to you.
In the midst of your life challenges and obstacles, it can be easy to allow the darkness to take over. It can be easy to turn our focus to and expend our energy on our negative memory of what we feel pushed us into our unstable emotional dark hole. STOP! I encourage you to REMEMBER how many dark holes you have climbed out of. How many VICTORIES can you celebrate? How many blessings have you received overcoming what you perceived to be impossible?
Have FAITH in yourself. Have faith in God! "Your greatest weakness shall be your greatest strength." (Robert Tennyson Stevens) This remains one of my favorite quotes to meditate on. My health has been one of my greatest weaknesses and is in the process of becoming my greatest strength! I have overcome many health obstacles, making me wiser and stronger. I give praise to God for his graces. I accept and know that my fight for optimal health has more to come.
This summer, I have been faced with a painful flareup in chronic pain with Piriformis Syndrome. I have also been hit with unexpected weight gain, which I believe is correlated with my Hypothyroidism and PCOS. Body image and fear in weight gain has been one of my weaknesses for years. So, after putting in several hours a week of physical activity, bodybuilding, and healthy eating and not achieving my desired results...I have felt defeated.
So, no matter what challenges you face with health, relationships, work, kids, etc.. Choose to remember your victories, and take your first step forward!!!
One of my recent and unexpected blessings has been with receiving another new job as a Fitness
Instructor at Altitude Trampoline Park in Katy. Not only has it been fun, but rehabilitating for my health! Check out this article, and explore Rebounding Exercise!
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