Sunday, June 4, 2017

Taking Risks

Are You Taking Risk?

Our Faith is not to be domesticated; we are to take risk! Faith is of the unseen and trusting God even though you may not know what the outcome is. Faith is not about the outcome, for it is about the Outlook!!!! (Hope City)

So, I take my huge risk tomorrow morning with my micro discectomy, with a positive outlook and trust that God will take care of me no matter what! Living with chronic health conditions I have come to accept all the possible side effects of my daily medications, believing that taking them for relief outweighs the alternative... But, when you are asked to sign your release forms for the possible outcome of your back surgery, it becomes a little daunting!!!

So, I surrender my outcome through my faith! Faith is my decision, and not my emotions! I accept stepping out in faith requires stepping over my fears.

I will take you along my journey of pain, fear, emotions, faith, risk, surgery, healing, and recovery... What risk are you willing to take???

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