Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 3 of Fit Challenge

Still seeking balance...

I have now completed my 3rd week in my fitness challenge." It is not called a challenge for nothing!" What I find most challenging now, is not the workout part but the food. The one thing I have gotten better at though is eating more frequently. I do my best to eat every 3-4hrs and, I do find a difference. So, anyhow what I am posting is my weekly workout from my 3rd week. I have been writing my workouts down. I find that I feel more accomplished when I do so. So, below you will find my week. Please note: excuse the lack of detail...

Monday- BodyRock, a short & intense burst.
Tuesday- 20min stationary bike on Random.
Wednesday- 30min run/walk.
Thursday- BodyRock, an INTENSE home workout.
Friday- Recovery day
Saturday- Warm Vinyasa Yoga
Sunday- 30min run-sprint/walk

(BodyRock workouts you can find at their website or You Tube. Awesome at home workouts, but really provocative attire.)

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