Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"A Solution is a GIFT!"

The holidays are creeping up fast,
In the midst of fatigue you wonder, "how long will it last?"
Through chronic illness and good health,
A common ground, there may not be much wealth.
Below are solutions you will find,
A gift from the heart is always one of a kind! 

A Fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas

When you have any chronic illness, holidays are usually difficult. This is especially true with Fibromyalgia (FMS).  Chronic illness, again including FMS, is also hard on the wallet, and the holidays are as well! In today’s economy, this is even more so than in years past. With these things in mind, I decided to take a new look at how those with FMS could decrease stress this year. I have combined the considerations of stress, energy, pain, fatigue, expense, and what the holidays…and family and friends…are really all about.
Holidays involve family visits, big dinners and or parties, and gift-giving. As if those things alone are not enough, they do not “just happen” without a lot of prep-time…a lot of energy, thought, work, etc. We want our homes “company-clean” and decorated. We want to serve everyone’s favorite dish. We want to see the look on a loved one’s face when they open their gift and it is just exactly what they wanted! Healthy people are usually worn out pulling all of this off, let alone trying to do it when you have FMS! None-the-less though, we who have FMS perhaps want even more than those who are healthy to make the holidays special; extra special because we know our fibro-live imposes upon their lives, making them also fibro-lives. But with FMS, how does one ever pull off the successful holiday we envision?
Well, first of all…we do not. We have to accept that in truth picture-perfect-holidays are just that: pictures! Once we have done that, we set some realistic goals, and with some “out-of the-gift-box-thinking”, we can achieve them!
What exactly is this “out-of-the-gift-box-thinking”? (Shamelessly, the pun is most certainly intended!) I am suggesting that you combine the chores that need to be done and the gifts that are to be given to create a less expenses and less stressful holiday for all!
Suggest that rather than buying you gifts, your family and friends “do” something for you as their gift this year! Suggestions:
·         Get the house “company-clean”
·         Decorate the house, perhaps even your porch and front lawn, for the holiday
·         Help you brain-storm your own gift list
·         Do your gift shopping for you
·         Help you plan holiday get-to-gathers
·         Prepare dishes for the holiday meals and/or parties
·         Clean up after meals and/or parties
·         Take down and store holiday decorations when the holiday is over

You can also offer your time and services as gifts to others rather than having to spend money or shop! You have to start early in order to give yourself plenty of time, but you could offer to do many things that those who work outside of the home find hard to get done.
·         Address Christmas cards
·         Conduct internet research on gifts that they are seeking or need more information about
·         Organize pictures from past holidays for a special, surprise display
·         Clip coupons for grocery items that will be needed for the feasts or for gift items or get coupons from internet sites
·         Send out invitations for holiday gatherings whether by mail, email, facebook, text messages, phone calls, etc
·         Frost and/or decorate cupcakes and/or cookies that others have already baked

These are just a few ideas. Now that I have got you started, I am sure you can come up with many more! You might even expand on it! Perhaps weekly you have the time to clip coupons for your very busy daughter or daughter-in-law! Or maybe your grandsons can take turns doing your lawn work for you all year as their gift to you!
The possibilities are endless and we would love to hear of any you come up with! Also, we want to know how well our ideas work for you! Please share your fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas results and ideas with us after the holidays!
Have a Merry fibro-CHRISTMAS and a Happy, Happy New fibro-YEAR !
Blessings on you and your fibroLIFE!
~Meshea Crysup, Founder/Director of fibroLIFE

"Are You Thirsty?"

Children of God
He is like a tree
planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never fade.
What ever he does, prospers.
(Psalm 1)

Blue skies never cease to exist, and 
God's light never stops shining.
And, His water overflows.
You will prosper, in due season.

Be still and know...
Breathe in, and feel,
Breathe out, and let go...detach.
Peace Be within You.

Friday, October 26, 2012

"Garden of Life"

How To Plant Your Garden

First, you Come to the garden alone, 
while the dew is still present...

1. Peace of Mind
2. Peace of Heart
3. Peace of Soul

1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness

1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce love one another

1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another

1. Thyme for one another
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends

(by: anonymous)

~ May you find Peace within your Spirit 

"Spirituality or Religion"

Empty Gestures or Meaning...

In society today the word Religion does not hold a really good name. In fact, the word that flows through society with more grace tends to be Spirituality. Most of us loose sight of the most powerful and all encompassing gift of all...LOVE!
What do you choose to align your very being; body and spirit, with? 
I choose Religion. Within my religion I experience Spirituality. After all, we are body and spirit. And in the beginning, God breathed life into us all through Spirit. The Spirit entered me and set me free on my feet. For His grace is sufficient! 
I am, that I am. I desire structure; and I choose to seek knowledge and understanding in it's fullness.Therefor, I enjoy and I am successful with sequential directions, to do lists, and routines. That is where my religion fulfills me. Within my church, I find structure, tradition, and guidelines. When I stray along my journey in my Faith, my religion and church provide me with the tools to get  back on the right path. I choose to be open to receive His graces. And, His grace is sufficient!
Most importantly, I choose to always return to Love. Christ came to us, and He has chosen us to be His Love! What makes us human and separates us and distinguishes us from all other creatures is not our intellect or our free will, but it is our capacity to love. It is with our intellect and our free will that we are able to love.
We are many parts and all ONE body. We are to unite as one through His Love. Everyday we are faced with an option...to love or to destroy. What will you choose? Do you desire Love? Do you embody love?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Bicep Beautiful" Workout

Biceps and Chest

Woman or man...
 We all desire to have strong and good looking arms!
Pick up your weights and get ready for the alarms...

"If you don't take care of your body, how can you expect your body to take care of you?"
 ~Marie T. freeman

Interval Training: Set your timer/alarm for 30 seconds work and 10 seconds rest.

Dynamic Stretching Warm Up: Warm up your muscles through whole body movement. Make sure to do some upper body warm up movements to prepare for this workout. 

Workout: Six Interval, Repeat each Interval 3X's

1. Front Bicep Curl
cardio: Jump Rope side to side (X3)

2. Hammer Bicep Curl
cardio: Burpee with Chaterunga (X3)

3. Side Abduct Curl
cardio: Squat with DB (X3)

4. Wide Legged Push Up
cardio: Boxing Speed Bag (X3)

5. Wide Hands Push Up
cardio: High Knee Rope Climb (X3)

6. Wide Legs & Hand Push Up at a slant
cardio: Plank Leg Abduction (X3)

Static Stretching Cool Down: Now that your body is warm and fatigued, time to hold your stretches out for 15 counts. Remember to breathe; bringing your heart rate down and oxygen moving around inside your body.

We are all entrusted and called upon to take care of our own bodies.
"So then each of us shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"You Do Not Have to Suffer!" EMPOWER

Choose Your Outcome Living with Fibromyalgia

Just as a butterfly creates new life, we too have a choice to upgrade into a new life. For many years I lived a life in the "cycle of failure." I had succumbed to my chronic pain and fatigue cycle. For even though I was seeking answers, I had not yet come into the awareness of upgrading my human consciousness. I am not going to lie to you...yes, I still have my mornings, afternoons, and even evenings when I am faced with those inner thoughts of fatigue and/or pain. And now with a greater wisdom of conscious language in combination of my faith, I can speak my outcome with feeling and specificity. 
Let Go, and Let God. That has been forever on the forefront of my thoughts. I live one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time. I do believe, just as I have erased my perceived barriers to my health, fitness, and self, you can too. Now, I have a commitment to myself to reach for my greatest choice and to empower others to agree to find, choose to choose, believe, and achieve with diligence every day! 
"For this reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with godliness." (2Peter 1:5-6)
We have the power as co-creators in our life to change every aspect of our lives, including our health...
With much love, my heart desires to answer any questions one may have, and to enlighten, ignite, and empower you with creating a win/win life. So, reach out and ask...for I AM that I AM.