Monday, February 11, 2013

"Create Your Tree of Life!" CORE

Create and Strengthen Your Foundation!

Where do you turn to for your source of strength? What do you identify as your foundation? 
Is it the gym? Is it a person? Or is in supplements?
God is my never-ending source of strength and my rock; all else is sinking sand...
God is our source, and God desires our participation to build our foundation and strengthen our very being.

Life is a balancing act. And, it is through our participation with God's Will that we will establish our balance: spirit, mind, and body.

Spirit and Mind...when we are completely present and speak from our heart, His Spirit aligns with ours. Our foundation is His. Instead of moving away, we must move forward; allowing His strength and love to be our only supplement.

Body..."If you are not determined to be the master of your body...then you might just become a slave to your impulses." (Food, Fitness, and Faith for Women) How do you treat your body? Do you respect and honor your body? Are you an educated consumer?  

Our bodies are made up of many internal systems.  Our GI system alone has more than 100 million neurons that are present and communicate to us when we make bad choices with our nutrition. "Food ought to be a refreshment to the body, and not a burden." (St. Bonaventure) We are to create a devotion and honor our bodies with what we choose to put in it. Make your conscious choice now to stop sabotaging your body internally!   

Our bodies also require strengthening for our flesh. Our adult body frame consist of more than 206 bones and 600 muscles. Through physical activity, sports, functional training, and/or a structured exercise program   we can create our optimum quality of life. There are simply no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle. Choosing God as our partner, together we can have clarity and create a future in our highest choices!

Do you have your clarity for defining and/or strengthening your foundation: Spirit, mind, and body???

Strengthening the core of our body, the whole abdominal cavity and whole back, is vital in obtaining physical balance. Below you will find a few  exercises for strengthening, stabilizing, and flexibility.



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