Sunday, June 9, 2013

Be Present and Row Through Your Desires

Take time to establish your desires: Spirit, Mind, and Body! The Spirit shall always lead before the attainment of the others. Most people do not create enough time to withdraw from the world long enough to really discover their heart's desires. (Mustard Seeds)

Summer has arrived and changes are in motion. For many of us, this is the season to create change in our schedule, commitments, and desires. And, we may also find ourselves caught up in the business of our world and forget to relax and/or tend to our personal health. So, whatever you may be doing (prior to reading my post), STOP and BREATHE. Inhale deep through your nose returning oxygen to your body, expanding your chest and stomach; exhale out your mouth releasing and cleansing your body as you slowly tighten your abdominal muscles. Great Job! Now, reevaluate your busyness and your flow around you. It is ok and well deserved to take a "time out" for YOU. Now reframe your perspective. Is your health a priority???

You can streamline and organize your daily schedule to create your healthy lifestyle. Think it. Plan It. Put it in ink. Your health is returning. You can create your time management for YOU. So, STOP withdraw and reflect on what your true desires are: Spirit, Mind, and Body.

For me, as mentioned earlier, my schedule is shifting and I am increasing my health and the health of others. I have my gratitude for God to grant me such opportunities to facilitate healthy lifestyle choices in others!  Through my healthy lifestyle choices, I do my best each day to create my balance with  physical activity,  peace/prayer, and clean nutrition. I am not perfect and yes I have my setbacks, "in my past." There is always opportunity to start over. 

With new beginnings and creating your balance, I encourage a variety. In my opinion, life is not black and white. Change is constant, and change is good. So, recently I stepped out to try something new for exercise. I went to a Rowing Gym. I had some previous knowledge and experience with using a rowing machine, and yet knew I could gain more wisdom and grow from the experience. I really enjoyed the class and walked away refreshed and stronger. Below are a variety of ways to experience rowing: Be Safe and have fun!

Using the row machine you will improve your aerobic capacity and strengthen throughout your whole body.
When executing the row movement (with dumb bells, kettle bells, etc.) correctly, this exercise is one of the most valuable and complete upper body exercises of all, challenging both postural stabilizer and mobilizing muscles. (Mark Vella)
Tips: Use a slow, controlled, and full range of motion. Avoid hunching or rounding your shoulders. Keep your chest open, shoulders back, and abdominals engaged. Keep pelvis tilted neutral and your spine aligned creating a flat back.
            Row Machine                                                 Dumb bell One Arm Row


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