Friday, January 6, 2012

Hidden Motivation Made Possible

Today is Friday which is a good thing, right??? But, getting back into routine this week has left me exhausted! I struggled this morning fighting my sleepiness, and knowing that I have training to do for my 1/2 marathon...

Well...what I thought would be the impossible became the possible. Thank God for the hidden motivation!

When we open our hearts and mind to receive, the blessings come. Sometimes in disguise, and sometimes straight forward.

So, let me share with you all the blessings received today in disguise which led me to accomplish my training.

- Blessing  & Motivation #1: My mom calls and invites my daughter and I out to lunch. Well, this morning was I not only sleepy but, the weather was yuck! Little did I know the surprise that awaited me...opportunity. This gave me an opportunity to get out of my rut and go run for training. When I stepped outdoors, I was pleasantly surprised with the transformation in the weather. After eating lunch with my mother, my location put me very close to a favorite running trail.

- Blessing & Motivation #2: To allow my daughter to play, digest my food, and warm up, we first went to a playground. In the midst of playing with my daughter, I added in some stretches and interval training for a warm up. Towards the end, I was drawn to two sets of twins running around. A baby sibling of the twins approached me, stopped, and starred. This led to conversation with the mother's of the children. They mentioned to me how they were observing me work-out, and how great that is. One mother mentioned how she thinks about working out but, cannot find the motivation to do so. Little did she know, the struggle I battled with this morning of sleepiness and lack of motivation. Little did she know...she had just given me more motivation along my journey to the possible.

- Blessing & Motivation #3: I gathered my daughter and things, and set off to my running trail. The next challenge became the run. I had a goal to run 6 miles, a small stroller, and an extra 34lbs. or so to push. Along my journey, I could not help to notice a woman that was walking...her strides were keeping up with my run. At first, she became a challenge and someone to compete with. I pushed and pushed to get ahead. But, I would get ahead and then sure enough she would reappear. So, I commented to her how great her stride was. She ended up telling me how she was admiring my run with my stroller along the trail, putting in twice the work. Little did she know...she brought a smile to my face, joy to my heart, and a new focus along my journey. My goal had been to run 6 miles, and at that point I was not feeling strong enough. She helped me realize that with the extra weight and stroller that I was really putting in double the work, and I needed to live in the moment. The moment was, my daughter  in the stroller. I could not focus too far ahead, that would discourage me. I found myself believing in her words and finding strength in the moment of my daughter in the stroller.

- Blessing & Motivation #4: Getting close to my new finish line of 3 miles, I spotted a truck with the advertisement for a protein drink-Muscle Milk. Next, thing you know a couple of girls advertising the Muscle Milk offer me a drink. Silly as it may sound, seeing and hearing the word muscle motivated me to finish strong. It was a reinforcement for me as a reminder that I have the muscle/strength to complete my goal.

YEAH! Then, what looked like the impossible became the possible. I completed my goal with a sense of accomplishment, and thankfulness for the little blessings that came my way.
 So as I stated before, when one opens their mind and heart they receive. Even in the small and/or ordinary things in life, one can receive blessings.

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