Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Beginning and The End" / "Kick-Butt Tune Up"

God Alone Suffices
In this time of year many of us are celebrating God's love, family, and/or the upcoming opportunity to "start over" this New Year. On the other hand, there are those suffering with hopelessness and doubt. Whether you feel joy or suffering, now is a time of self-reflection.  All the blessings in this world amount to nothing, if you do not have God.
Reflecting on the gift of Christ-mass, the incarnation of Word made flesh, and the New Year to come,  allows us all to embrace the opportunity of transformation. To many of us, beginnings and endings become vital in our role of change and transformation. Christmas marks the beginning of Life with Christ (Word made flesh) through the invitation of following Him. And New Year's, marks another social shift into a new beginning through resolutions. As for endings, we can seek God's desire of Eternal Life with Him, we can reflect on stopping one thing and starting something new, and above all...we can choose to start creating our Eternal Life of abundance NOW.
"Change" often occurs for us through the outside. Indeed change in our environment and our bodies is key, and change within our Spirit is VITAL.  So, in this time of year may we all meditate and self-reflect on choosing our Life of abundance with God in balance of the here and now: Spirit, Mind, and Body.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13)

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing.
God ONLY is changeless.
Patience gains all things.
Who has God wants nothing.
God alone suffices. 
~ St. Teresa of Avila

Kick-Butt Tune Up
Stand facing a Yoga Ball (chair/table/stool) with palms on top,
arms extendeded shoulder width apart.
Lift right leg behind, foot flexed, squeezing glutes,
and engaging core, pulling belly button in.
Then, draw right knee toward ball and hold for one count.
Return to start, and repeat 12 times. 
Switch to Left.
Focus: Glutes, Abs, and Hamstrings

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Seeking Balance? Plank It Out!"

Balance in Body, Spirit, and Love
Are you seeking balance as you juggle through this holiday season of to-do's and desires? Stop now, breathe, and embrace that you can create balance and find rest. Reflect..."How does our relationship and closeness with God affect our relationship with self and others?"
As we make choices in our daily lives to acquire balance, know that it is the spiritual dimension of life that empowers us to live out this kind of Love with self (body and spirit) and others. Apostle Paul gave us this advice, reminding us that love is patient and kind. Love does not envy, it forgives, does not keep track of wrongs, nor take note of shortcomings. This spiritual dimension is that of the unconditional love of our father...God.
When we open ourselves to receive His unconditional love then, we can love ourselves, and we can love others. Loving our bodies is is to not keep track of our shortcomings, and to learn from that moving forward. A plank  is an excellent exercise that everyone can practice to establish balance in body and spirit. A plank strengthens the entire body with an emphasis on the core. The core of our existence,  is the Spirit within. The core of our body, is the entire abdominal cavity and the entire back (upper, mid, lower). A plank has many modifications available to decrease or increase the intensity of strengthening. Just as in life, we have options of modifying our life through our choices.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Burpee through Advent"

Burpee Now
Now is the season of Advent. The word "Advent" is latin  which means "coming." It is a time of self-reflection, prayer, joy, and happiness in the anticipation of the coming of Christ. And, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us all, that we can be awaken to His Love. For the Love of God guides us, teaches us, is merciful, and faithful unconditionally.

"For God so loved the world, that He sent his only son, so we shall not perish but, have eternal life." 
(John 3:16) God is my creator and my foundation. With Him all things are possible. I RISE...

You stand firm aligning to your foundation, flowing down, back, and you will RISE...

"Stand tall, shoulders back, chest out...pulling belly in, engage your core. Squat down, bottom down and flat back; hinge forward, palms down, jump feet back into plank position; engage entire body, jump feet back into your squatting position, and power up." 

Find your awareness, breathe, and accept. Through all our downs and ups in life, God is present! Peace be with your Spirit.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



You bring me back to life,
I fall into your arms open wide...

Praise God.
I am Thankful for my life dear God!
Through my past trials and pain,
I have always been given something to gain.
Your arms remain open wide,
With your unconditional love there to abide.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet,
And on your path you always greet.
I thank you God...
Through the good and bad,
There exist a lesson to add.

For this God, I choose an attitude of GRATITUDE!
Seek and you shall find,
there is always something to be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving. 
Making everyday a thanks-giving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Rise Above"

Do You Desire To Rise Above?

"With Gods grace you will be restored, established, strengthened, and supported." (1 Peter 5:10)
What we choose to do with our health is largely determined by the person we see in the mirror each day. And that person we see, is bombarded through life in a culture of conveniences that often rob us from the physical exercise necessary for the balance of a healthy lifestyle. 
It is our choice to work it out; seek wisdom, seek moderation, and choose action. "It is not that some people have will power and some do not. It is that some people are ready to change and others are not." (James Gorden) We can have the tools of knowledge and opportunity, and it still does not mean  that we will reach our destination. Moderation and wisdom are traveling companions and we must apply them. How can we desire our body to take care of us (feel good), if we do not choose to take care of it? When we choose to not respect and honor our bodies and spirit, we are doing a dis-service to ourselves; mentally, physically, and spiritually.
We all can make a conscious choice and plan for food, fitness, and faith. What are you waiting for? Did you know that it requires more energy to suppress yourself, than set yourself free? So let go, and BELIEVE that now is your time! Are You ready?
~Much Love and Light 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"A Solution is a GIFT!"

The holidays are creeping up fast,
In the midst of fatigue you wonder, "how long will it last?"
Through chronic illness and good health,
A common ground, there may not be much wealth.
Below are solutions you will find,
A gift from the heart is always one of a kind! 

A Fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas

When you have any chronic illness, holidays are usually difficult. This is especially true with Fibromyalgia (FMS).  Chronic illness, again including FMS, is also hard on the wallet, and the holidays are as well! In today’s economy, this is even more so than in years past. With these things in mind, I decided to take a new look at how those with FMS could decrease stress this year. I have combined the considerations of stress, energy, pain, fatigue, expense, and what the holidays…and family and friends…are really all about.
Holidays involve family visits, big dinners and or parties, and gift-giving. As if those things alone are not enough, they do not “just happen” without a lot of prep-time…a lot of energy, thought, work, etc. We want our homes “company-clean” and decorated. We want to serve everyone’s favorite dish. We want to see the look on a loved one’s face when they open their gift and it is just exactly what they wanted! Healthy people are usually worn out pulling all of this off, let alone trying to do it when you have FMS! None-the-less though, we who have FMS perhaps want even more than those who are healthy to make the holidays special; extra special because we know our fibro-live imposes upon their lives, making them also fibro-lives. But with FMS, how does one ever pull off the successful holiday we envision?
Well, first of all…we do not. We have to accept that in truth picture-perfect-holidays are just that: pictures! Once we have done that, we set some realistic goals, and with some “out-of the-gift-box-thinking”, we can achieve them!
What exactly is this “out-of-the-gift-box-thinking”? (Shamelessly, the pun is most certainly intended!) I am suggesting that you combine the chores that need to be done and the gifts that are to be given to create a less expenses and less stressful holiday for all!
Suggest that rather than buying you gifts, your family and friends “do” something for you as their gift this year! Suggestions:
·         Get the house “company-clean”
·         Decorate the house, perhaps even your porch and front lawn, for the holiday
·         Help you brain-storm your own gift list
·         Do your gift shopping for you
·         Help you plan holiday get-to-gathers
·         Prepare dishes for the holiday meals and/or parties
·         Clean up after meals and/or parties
·         Take down and store holiday decorations when the holiday is over

You can also offer your time and services as gifts to others rather than having to spend money or shop! You have to start early in order to give yourself plenty of time, but you could offer to do many things that those who work outside of the home find hard to get done.
·         Address Christmas cards
·         Conduct internet research on gifts that they are seeking or need more information about
·         Organize pictures from past holidays for a special, surprise display
·         Clip coupons for grocery items that will be needed for the feasts or for gift items or get coupons from internet sites
·         Send out invitations for holiday gatherings whether by mail, email, facebook, text messages, phone calls, etc
·         Frost and/or decorate cupcakes and/or cookies that others have already baked

These are just a few ideas. Now that I have got you started, I am sure you can come up with many more! You might even expand on it! Perhaps weekly you have the time to clip coupons for your very busy daughter or daughter-in-law! Or maybe your grandsons can take turns doing your lawn work for you all year as their gift to you!
The possibilities are endless and we would love to hear of any you come up with! Also, we want to know how well our ideas work for you! Please share your fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas results and ideas with us after the holidays!
Have a Merry fibro-CHRISTMAS and a Happy, Happy New fibro-YEAR !
Blessings on you and your fibroLIFE!
~Meshea Crysup, Founder/Director of fibroLIFE

"Are You Thirsty?"

Children of God
He is like a tree
planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never fade.
What ever he does, prospers.
(Psalm 1)

Blue skies never cease to exist, and 
God's light never stops shining.
And, His water overflows.
You will prosper, in due season.

Be still and know...
Breathe in, and feel,
Breathe out, and let go...detach.
Peace Be within You.

Friday, October 26, 2012

"Garden of Life"

How To Plant Your Garden

First, you Come to the garden alone, 
while the dew is still present...

1. Peace of Mind
2. Peace of Heart
3. Peace of Soul

1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness

1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce love one another

1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another

1. Thyme for one another
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends

(by: anonymous)

~ May you find Peace within your Spirit 

"Spirituality or Religion"

Empty Gestures or Meaning...

In society today the word Religion does not hold a really good name. In fact, the word that flows through society with more grace tends to be Spirituality. Most of us loose sight of the most powerful and all encompassing gift of all...LOVE!
What do you choose to align your very being; body and spirit, with? 
I choose Religion. Within my religion I experience Spirituality. After all, we are body and spirit. And in the beginning, God breathed life into us all through Spirit. The Spirit entered me and set me free on my feet. For His grace is sufficient! 
I am, that I am. I desire structure; and I choose to seek knowledge and understanding in it's fullness.Therefor, I enjoy and I am successful with sequential directions, to do lists, and routines. That is where my religion fulfills me. Within my church, I find structure, tradition, and guidelines. When I stray along my journey in my Faith, my religion and church provide me with the tools to get  back on the right path. I choose to be open to receive His graces. And, His grace is sufficient!
Most importantly, I choose to always return to Love. Christ came to us, and He has chosen us to be His Love! What makes us human and separates us and distinguishes us from all other creatures is not our intellect or our free will, but it is our capacity to love. It is with our intellect and our free will that we are able to love.
We are many parts and all ONE body. We are to unite as one through His Love. Everyday we are faced with an love or to destroy. What will you choose? Do you desire Love? Do you embody love?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Bicep Beautiful" Workout

Biceps and Chest

Woman or man...
 We all desire to have strong and good looking arms!
Pick up your weights and get ready for the alarms...

"If you don't take care of your body, how can you expect your body to take care of you?"
 ~Marie T. freeman

Interval Training: Set your timer/alarm for 30 seconds work and 10 seconds rest.

Dynamic Stretching Warm Up: Warm up your muscles through whole body movement. Make sure to do some upper body warm up movements to prepare for this workout. 

Workout: Six Interval, Repeat each Interval 3X's

1. Front Bicep Curl
cardio: Jump Rope side to side (X3)

2. Hammer Bicep Curl
cardio: Burpee with Chaterunga (X3)

3. Side Abduct Curl
cardio: Squat with DB (X3)

4. Wide Legged Push Up
cardio: Boxing Speed Bag (X3)

5. Wide Hands Push Up
cardio: High Knee Rope Climb (X3)

6. Wide Legs & Hand Push Up at a slant
cardio: Plank Leg Abduction (X3)

Static Stretching Cool Down: Now that your body is warm and fatigued, time to hold your stretches out for 15 counts. Remember to breathe; bringing your heart rate down and oxygen moving around inside your body.

We are all entrusted and called upon to take care of our own bodies.
"So then each of us shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"You Do Not Have to Suffer!" EMPOWER

Choose Your Outcome Living with Fibromyalgia

Just as a butterfly creates new life, we too have a choice to upgrade into a new life. For many years I lived a life in the "cycle of failure." I had succumbed to my chronic pain and fatigue cycle. For even though I was seeking answers, I had not yet come into the awareness of upgrading my human consciousness. I am not going to lie to you...yes, I still have my mornings, afternoons, and even evenings when I am faced with those inner thoughts of fatigue and/or pain. And now with a greater wisdom of conscious language in combination of my faith, I can speak my outcome with feeling and specificity. 
Let Go, and Let God. That has been forever on the forefront of my thoughts. I live one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time. I do believe, just as I have erased my perceived barriers to my health, fitness, and self, you can too. Now, I have a commitment to myself to reach for my greatest choice and to empower others to agree to find, choose to choose, believe, and achieve with diligence every day! 
"For this reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with godliness." (2Peter 1:5-6)
We have the power as co-creators in our life to change every aspect of our lives, including our health...
With much love, my heart desires to answer any questions one may have, and to enlighten, ignite, and empower you with creating a win/win life. So, reach out and ask...for I AM that I AM.

Friday, September 21, 2012

"Inspiration through SONG"

Let the Light Shine

Are you seeking? You shall find...
Through the power of song, I receive.
May you be inspired, enlightened, and love penetrate your very being.

"Without Love, you have Nothing."

Below you will find a list on songs for inspiration and a link to Lyrics through KSBJ:

Love Has Come: Mark Shultz

Made to Love: Toby Mac

I Refuse: Josh Wilson

Move: Mercy Me

Word of God Speak: Mercy Me

I Can Only Imagine: Mercy Me

Where I Belong: Building 429

Recently played music on KSBJ:

"Just Let Go" Perfection


My mind floods with thoughts of praise,
"Let Go and Let God,"
Open my arms and I raise.
My heart overflows with love;
I have had such an insightful day,
 I thank the Lord from up above.

Today in Power Yoga my instructor shares her focus of "Let Go,"
and The Word of God spoke.
I thank you Phuong, 
and desire for everyone to know...Below you will find a poem she shared to us all,
 May you let go and hear His call.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where does your Strength come from?

Your Greatest Weakness Is Your Greatest Strength

Yes, You are Beautiful! For I AM  That I AM beautiful.
The power of Language and the possible extreme changes through language are amazing! 

Today is the anniversary of 9/11/2001. I can reflect on my memory of where, what, and when I heard the news of what was taking place in that very moment in time...However, I choose to reflect on the beautiful changes that I have made since that year. I choose to honor with gratitude all those who gave their services, those who lost their lives, and those families who morn. You Are honored and beautiful!!!

I awoke from a nap to  my daughter asking my help her open a yougart. My hands quickly go to the lid to help remove the foil lid. But, this time, not like ever before, my grip and strength diminished. My fine motor skills were absent. Inside for a split second, I was freaking out. I chose to not give up and eventually it was opened. Shortly after, I open an email to receive the above message through song from my sis.  (Thanks sis!) And, immediately my fears disappeared and my strength came back. 

I BELIEVE in Divine Guidance, not coincidence. If you are willing to listen and believe, He will deliver! Language from within, from others, from your surroundings, from all forms has meaning. Upgrade your language to what you choose to have be manifested. 

May today you instantly and in Divine Order connect with the Truth within your Heart of Hearts and confidently speak only what you choose to have manifest now and continuously with ease and Grace. And so it...And it is good, very good. (Robert Tennyson Stevens)

You are Beautiful!!! "Your greatest weakness is your greatest strength." Say It, Contemplate, and Meditate on it. You will find...Divine Guidance.

Much Love!!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Fitness and Faith

This is Your Moment!

So, it has been quite a journey since my last post... there has been many moments when I have desired to post again. There has been kind of a tug-a-war mentally with my desires and time management. Honestly, there has been many changes and adjustments in life that I have and will continue to overcome. 

This is my moment, my present moment when I choose to fulfill my desire. You see, when it comes to fitness, faith, and food every moment is a best moment to make a major improvement in your life.

 I've been reading these great books: FOOD, FITNESS, and FAITH for women by:  WOW, how selfless!!! I cannot even find an author. The other book I'm reading is CONSCIOUS LANGUAGE The Logos of Now by: Robert Tennyson Stevens. Through these readings I am inspired and refreshed with the redirection I receive. I am hopeful with so many possible upgrades that are available. According to Stevens, we are to speak only what we choose to have come into manifestation, moment to moment. 

So, I leave you to meditate on the desires of your heart. Right now is a great moment. No need to put it off any God's counsel and get busy.

To Be Continued...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

What is your Mastery System?

The Domains of Our language

Have you ever contemplated how our tongue can bring forth the very manifestation of what our heart desires? I am sure we have all heard the saying, "there is a right way and a wrong way of saying something." In fact, there are many quotes and/or sayings we can contemplate about in relation to the right use of Language...

Well, we all have a choice to live the path of Conscience Language. I must is a work in progress. However, "all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13). Now, I choose to reflect and surrender to Christ, my God. But, in reality it is not about a specific religion. After all, LOVE and LIGHT are pure in their endeavour. We can all make improvements/upgrades in our language, which in return can shift our entire reality.

It can be quite the cycle! Our inner thoughts can be brought into reality and, our language can transform our inner being, too. Within our conscience we imagine and choose the creation of our language. We bring life to our thoughts through our words and actions. 

Do not allow negative speech to sabatouge your inner or outer being! Our greatest weakness is our greatest strength. So, remember to speak only what you choose to manifest moment by moment. Don't wait, start now! Re-commit to self-commit! What does your heart desire??? Upgrade SELF now!

"Put away the old self of your former way of life and be renewed in the Spirit" (Ephesians 4).

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Is In Your Destiny?

Building Blocks

Who is in charge of your destiny? The quote above refers to US as the architects to our own destiny...
When I reflect upon this, I receive many messages. First of all, "a thought is a thought and it can be changed."
Second, yes with our free will, we have the power of choice. We can create, destroy, or change our path at any time. Third, God is the ultimate architect of all creation. It is in our FAITH that we can BELIEVE, and SURRENDER all things that we may feel burdened with. Fourth, God expects us to do our part as he does his. It is in our thoughts that we can give life to new beginnings.


Life is full of building blocks and stepping stones. As architects in our life, we must do our part and God will do his. What blocks and/or stones of knowledge will you choose to propel you forward???

Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Starting Over...BOOTCAMP"

Come celebrate a New Independence free from stress, procastination, and being unfit!
Make your dreams come true NOW and start your days off
with accomplishment…
I am on a mission to share my passion of fitness  with you and help make a difference in your overall physical and spiritual health.  ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and Specific Dieases, ready to faciliate you in achieving your fitness goals through my Bootcamp Program. Three full weeks of intensity, encouragement, and achievement with the following:
ü  Super-charged Exercize Routines
ü  Improve Your Fitness with Variety
ü  Maximize Your Results
ü  Live Healthier
ü  Gain Sustainable Energy Balance
ü  Increase Self-awareness
ü  Have Fun with Creativity and Support

Complete access to my Fitness Routines and Health Tools at the following:
·        Blog-
·        Twitter- @fitnessnspirit
·        Facebook- Celina Acosta

Fat Burning, Muscle Toning, Heart Srengthening, and Spiritual Growing!!!

“You can imagine, believe, and achieve!”

Please bring a mat, water, and 5-10lb free weights.
Meet on Skate Park at 5am:17525 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094
If it's raining come meet same address, under Gazebo.


Monday, July 9, 2012

"Create. Don't Wait!"

Many seek and do not find. Yet, the Lord says, "seek, and you shall find." The difference lies within the intention, within heart. Do you wait around in life expecting things to happen, expecting things to come to you? Or, do you take action and CREATE yourself. Yes, we are to TRUST in the Lord and SURRENDER. However, God does expect us to do our part.

Do you search for meaning and what your purpose in life is? What is in your spiritual toolkit? We all have talents, gifts, and/or inclinations towards something in life. Charism is a Greek term used for a gift or ability, given by the Holy Spirit in order to be shared generously. Charism discernment is a process of discovering and discerning God's movement in your life.

Friday, July 6, 2012

"Celebrate Your Independence!" July Bootcamp Promo

Come celebrate a New Independence free from stress, procastination, and being unfit!

Make your dreams come true NOW and start your days off
with accomplishment…
I am on a mission to share my passion of fitness  with you and help make a difference in your overall physical and spiritual health.  ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and Specific Dieases, ready to faciliate you in achieving your fitness goals through my Bootcamp Program. Three full weeks of intensity, encouragement, and achievement with the following:
  •      Super-charged Exercize Routines
  •    Improve Your Fitness with Variety
  •    Maximize Your Results
  •      Live Healthier
  •    Gain Sustainable Energy Balance
  •    Increase Self-awareness
  •       Have Fun with Creativity and Support
Complete access to my Fitness Routines and Health Tools at the following:
·         Blog-
·         Twitter- @fitnessnspirit
·         Facebook- Celina Acosta

Fat Burning, Muscle Toning, Heart Srengthening, and Spiritual Growing!!!
Choose results now with one payment upfront of $50.00 for the month of July.
“You can imagine, believe, and achieve.”


Friday, June 22, 2012

"Work Hard! And, yes rest." Friday's BC

Upper body Burn Out
"Can you believe it?" Yes, you did it. Now, I encourage you to give your body some rest. Sometimes in life we really need to slow down. Life is not meant to always be a 'schedule'. However, live your life daily to it's fullest, with no regrets!

Warm Up
Dynamic Stretches with "Movement"

Work 1min, Rest 20 sec
Reverse Fly
Seated Row
Close Grip Push Up
Alternate T-Plank Hold
(Repeat X3)

Army Crawl forward, count 5
Army Crawl backwards, count 5
(Repeat X2)

Work 1min, Rest 20 sec
Plank Up/Down
Mountain Climber
"X" Raise
3 Way Bicep Curl
(Repeat X3)

5 Min Run with Jumping Jacks
DB Sit Ups
Flutter Kick

Cool Down
Static Stretches "Hold"


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Join in on the TABATA!"

"You Can Do It!"

Warm Up
Dynamic Stretching "movement"

TABATA 20s wk/10s rest (X8)
Superman Swim w/flutter kick
     Oblique Twist Touch

Alt Lawnmower Row
     Oblique Twist Touch

Alt Stagnant Push Ups
     Oblique Twist Touch

Chest Press-Shoulder Press 
     Oblique Twist Touch

Alt One Leg Pistol Squat

Bicep curls w/toe tap

Tricep Hold Plank

Horizontal Jumps

Slow Movement
Frontal Raises-Lateral Raises
Bicep Curls-Tricep Extension

Five min run w/push ups...

Cool Down
Static Stretches "hold"


Monday, June 18, 2012

"Strengthen your Legs" Monday Bootcamp Workout

"Are Your Legs Tired Yet?"

Warm Up
Dynamic Stretches- warm up your muscles with movement

Work & Power (3X18)
Plie Squat Jumps
Alt Two-Way L/R Side Lunges

Good Morning (half-way dead lift)
Alt Single Leg Dead Lifts

Three Way Calf Raises
Hamstring Heel Bridges

Elevated Alt Split Squats 
Elevated Push Ups

Run in Pebbles (5min)

Sissy Squats
Alt L/R Leg Extension

Staggering Sprints (X2)

Push Up Burpees (10)

Cool Down
Static Stretches- Hold


"Are You Doing Your Part?"

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

"May I be a sower of seeds as I share small gifts of myself with YOU!"

Many of you may have heard the parable of the mustard seed at some point in your life thus far. If not, above in the picture you can see just how tiny a mustard seed is. Now all of you, IMAGINE such a tiny seed growing and blooming into a giant tree...

We too, are to have Faith, even if it starts out as tiny as a mustard seed. And, through our Faith we are to flourish and bear fruit. With courage, we walk by Faith, not by sight!

Our society has shaped many of us into two different categories. From one extreme to the side is total self-reliance, and the complete opposite is total dependence. Total self-reliant people believe they can do everything and anything with no help from others or God. Total dependent people are those who do exactly what you ask them to do, nothing less and nothing more. The problem with both of these are, neither of them work or bring you closer to happiness. Both are a distortion of reality.

God created us all with a free will and an intellect. With both, we can come to know what is good and choose the good. Together, using these God-given attributes we can discover true happiness.