Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CSI: Crazy Intense Aerobics

Workout Wednesday

"Ok, change is good." Intense, give-it-all-you-got, push it just what you need sometimes. So,  I went to my gym for this class and fell in love with the instructor and intensity. Afterwards, you look back and think,  "Wow, did I really just do all that?" So, let me just share some insight with you what this class involved. Below I will only list a large variety of different exercises and moves you can try at home, or your own gym. As always, feel free to comment, ask questions, or contact me for training!
Intense Aerobic Moves Below: 
NOTE- please do not try anything alone without prior knowledge or training!

Warm Up

-step taps & work your arms (higher your arms = higher heart rate)
-squats, arms swing up
-step up, jump
-plank & push up's with knee crunch
-squat & dumb bell lateral raise
-squat & shoulder press
-lunges & 90 degree angle lateral shoulder raises
(3 min) step up's & jumping jack's

Work Out

-using a weighted bar, bent over rows
-weighted bar swing into bent over row
-bar on step bench & push up's
-hamstring stretch & large arm circles
-bob & weave
-punch & twist
-squat low & hold-alternate side lunges
-tube under step bench, bicep curls: single, alternate, & pulse
-jump squats 30 sec
-plie squat with weighted bar on shoulders & alternate oblique crunches
-tricep dips with weighted bar on lap using step bench
-seated overhead tricep extension with weighted bar
-tricep push up'setc....more & more.....

Don't forget to cool down & stretch!

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